Henbury Brownies held their first meeting at St. Thomas Church Hall on 25.10.1963 and Henbury Guides followed shortly after with their first meeting on 27.04.1964.
This means both units are celebrating a fantastic 60 years at Henbury!
We are celebrating our Diamond Anniversary and wish to thank all our wonderful volunteers and the girls who were Brownies or Guides here over the last 60 years.
Watch this space for details of our celebration afternoon tea where interested volunteers from past and present are welcome to join us for tea and cake and learn more about the volunteer opportunities our fabulous units in Henbury.
We need an energetic leader who enjoys fun and adventure to lead our Guide group and are also looking for extra help with our Rainbow unit who are girls aged 5-7 years.
Together we can offer leaders and girls amazing opportunities to enable them to know that they can do anything.
We also have volunteering opportunities for girls doing their Duke of Edinburgh awards or for sixth form students who need experience to support their university applications. Contact: Karent63@live.co.uk if you can help us.

1st Henbury (St.Thomas) Rainbows
Meet in the Church Hall. Age 5 – 7
During term-time. 4:30 – 5:30 p.m.
Contacts: Sparkle: – Karen Taylor 01625 820055
Email for Rainbows: HenburyRainbows1@outlook.com

1st Henbury (St.Thomas) Brownies
Meet in the Church Hall. Age 7 – 10
During term-time. 6:00 – 7:15 p. m.
Contact: Brown Owl:- Debbie Tomlinson, 01625 669729
Email for Brownies: henburybrownies@yahoo.com
1st Henbury (St.Thomas) Guides
Meet in the Church Hall. Age 10 – 15
During term-time. 7:15 – 8:45 p.m.
Contacts: Sparkle: – Karen Taylor 01625 820055
Email for Guides: HenburyGuides1@outlook.com